22 January 2013

Baked Aubergine

I love it when you have all of the ingredients to make the one thing you crave at that exact moment. In my case it was stuffed baked aubergine inspired by this recipe I found on Eat Drink Paleo;

I changed the recipe up a bit;

1 large aubergine
Tinned Tomatoes
Garlic Clove
Fresh Mint
Cheese (I used cheddar but would have used parmesan if I had some)
Olive Oil

Preheat oven to 220 C. I cut the aubergine in half and fried it over a high heat in some olive olive oil. I read somewhere that frying aubergine in really hot oil stops it soaking too much oil. Put the two aubergine halves in the oven while you make the sauce. Fry chopped garlic, making sure they don't brown too much. Add tinned tomatoes and simmer until reduced. Take off heat and add mint. Make a hole in the aubergine to add the sauce, I did this by mushing up the flesh of the aubergine a bit. Add the sauce and put back into the oven. Reduce heat to 190 and bake for around 20 minutes. Add cheese, its ready when the cheese is melted and golden. I had this with tzatziki. My version is no way near as pretty but it tasted really good!


Lisa @FacelessFood said...

Yum, that looks delicious!

Unknown said...

Thanks Lisa!! By the way I read your blog sometimes and have discovered blog challenges through your blog so will be trying them out!!

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